Stewardship at St. Mark’s means much more than the giving of money to support the church budget.  It means the giving of our entire selves, of which money is but a part.  And because our entire selves – including not only our treasure but also our talents and time – belong to God, stewardship becomes an expression of gratitude to God for all that we’ve been given and a commitment to do all that God calls us to do with what we have.

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That’s why we consider Stewardship a MINISTRY—an ongoing work through which we are led to see that the whole of who we are and what we have is a gift from God, to be used to serve God’s world.  Through the ministry of Stewardship, we are, by God’s grace, transformed into the People of God, people who are called to pour themselves out for others, even as Jesus, the Perfect Steward, poured himself out for us.  


